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Licensing Steps


​A. Create An Account (Pre-Licensing Course)

  1. Go to 

  2. In the drop down select "Insurance Pre-Licensing English/Spanish"

  3. Select your state and hit "Continue"

  4. Select your course bundle by clicking on the price icon: Health & Life

  5. Select "Go to Cart"

  6. Agency discount code: WFG

  7. Complete your checkout & registration - the price should change to $29.99.


B. Complete the Pre-Licensing Course

  1. Complete basic modules & the final pre-test courses.

  2. Once the completed, you will receive a link to a "cram exam".

  3. Continue taking the cram exam over & over until you are passing at 80-90%.


C. Schedule & Pass the State Exam

   1. Schedule Exam:

   2. Once passed, apply for your license - $50.

   3. Once you received the certificate of completion, schedule an expedited interview with us by clicking here



Important Information

Licensing Fees

Carrier Fees

E & O Insurance

Continuing Ed


Mobile App

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